Saturday, February 23, 2008

Broke the 100km barrier

Today I cycled for more than a 100km. 102.73km to be exact. I really feel proud of this considering that I could not cycle for 5km less than six months ago. It is amazing how adaptive one's body is. How it is possible to push yourself past limits and then get better at it. I left home at 06h30 and arrived at MeerenBosch just under six hours later. I don't feel too bad because it took so long because I had to wait for my son a few times and I battled against a very strong wind most of the time.

1 comment:

izak w janse van rensburg said...

Swaer Hannes - that is the way to go ! and with a Western Cape head wind in the face as described, the 100km + extends itself to double that distance ....welgedaan.