Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's tough to be old

My parents are both eighty-six and live in a retirement village in Centurion. I was privileged to visit for a few days and just again realised how time is marching on relentlessly. My dad, especially, is showing the scars of his ripe age.... and while it is good to sit next to him while he reminisce of a distant past, it does make me sad to see how little remain of the man I remember.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Overnight in a cold Karoo

On the way north me and Annelie booked into the Transkaroo Country Lodge situated in the sleepy Britstown... and did we enjoy it? Inside the old building we noticed a stylish touch and the meals that we enjoyed was served with a unique approach. We were particularly impressed with a winelist that boasted a wide variety and some cleverly selected wines too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ice cold cycle ride

I got on my road bike at the office this morning for a quick run. Richard Price arranged for us to have a group bicycle ride every Tuesday, but it was only me and him mad enough to brave the cold. and cold it was. Afterwards I had difficulty walking because of the lack of feeling in my toes, but it was nevertheless very satisfying in a strange way.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wet MeerenBos

We spent the night at MeerenBos and heard the cold front pass over the house as the wind intensified. In the morning, it was heartwarming to see the wet trees and undergrowth glistening in the filtered light. At the edge of the lake, a solitary coot was swimming purposefully against the light rain and the swirling wind towards an unknown destination.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The great Bosman

We attended a great winetasting of the products of Bosman family vineyards, ably presented by Heinie Nel, the viticulturist. The wines were excellent, both in terms of quality and wine-making philosophy, but it was the information about vineyards, cultivars and winemaking that was really special.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Egyptian Geese feeding

It is such a beautiful day in the Cape. The sun is shining and just a light breeze from the west. Even the Egyptian Geese seems to enjoy the weather. I counted ninety right in front of the house feeding on the green sprouts.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Proudly flying the flag

I am standing on the 30th floor of an office building in San Francisco and look out over the city. The "stars and stripes" are waving on flagpoles on many of the buildings. Where I am standing, I can count at least seven flags. One can say many things about the US, but I respect the pride that they have for their country.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Attended Grace Church in St Helena

I am meeting a business associate here in St Helena, California today, so I booked into a lodge close by. This morning on the spur of the moment, I attended mass at a nearby church: Grace Church. It was gratifying to experience the blessings of the Lord with other believers.

Friday, July 08, 2011


As I walked into the kitchen, I immediately knew it. The aroma was still hanging in the air: Annelie produced another batch of "boerebeskuit" - I suppose the best translation would be homemade rusks. I can see myself munching through this batch during the next month with a lot of enjoyment.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Healthy green stuff

At a breakfast meeting at Melrose Arch, I joined the rest of the party to order freshly squeezed pear juice. When it arrived, it looked quite suspicious: green fluid with foam on the top and chunks floating in it. Luckily, it was delicious.

Izak on his way to Boston

My youngest son has been admitted to a post-grad at MIT. He left for the US last weekend and is currently making arrangements to be able to start his studies in August. I am proud and thankful at the same time.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Home routine

I was up early this morning. With a steaming mug of coffee and a bowl of oats. I sat down to read a chapter from scripture and then for time in prayer. Outside the day was dawning on a green Cape (after the recent rains) and inside the dogs started moving in their warm cot. After a long trip, I feel so much at home.