Sunday, January 31, 2016

Harbor wall and back

We usually swim early on Friday mornings, but someone had a great idea to organize a swim on a scorching afternoon: to the harbor wall and back. I am starting to get the hang of this thing now: calm breathing, constant rhythm and swim straight.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Fillet Grande

There are beef fillets and then there are bigger ones. The one that Ryan cooked was big enough to feed the four of us and have left-over to feed a large team of carnivores.

Art in nowhere

Sometimes art are committed in the strangest of places, and sometimes part of the enjoyment lies in the discovery of it. This mural mosaic decorate a nondescript wall at the old mill in Philadelphia. I discovered it while geocaching.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Early morning swim

A strong south-easter crashes into a flat sea. The morning sun paints pink lines on the horizon. Getting into my wetsuit for the early-morning swim in a cold sea, I am asking myself why am I dong it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Arrived at London Heathrow after an uneventful cross-Atlantic flight. A small benefit is that I am now in a land where English is spoken and nobody lifts an eyebrow when you ask for a cup of tea.

Monday, January 18, 2016


A Brickhouse cigar is a premium handmade cigar from Nicaragua. I had to find a slot to smoke one with my son Izak to celebrate his induction onto the fatherhood club. Nursing a glass of some of the finest Van Rijn brandy we talked about the miracle of life. Wonderful bonding time.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lana is a week

I am so fortunate to be able to see (and hold) Lana, Izak and Julia's daughter. I managed to add a few days to my business trip and a detour to California. My heart is full of thankfulness and praise.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Priorities change as activities change. Finding a seat next to the charging station has definitely clicked up in what must be done between flights at Houston en route to SFO.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Brass frogs

What do you do when you have everything and still have some spare dollars? You buy yourself a brass frog. There are hundreds of these brass frogs for sale in downtown Naples. They are actually quite cute... in an ironic way.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Oxygen masks

The oxygen masks deployed some miles west of Luanda on my flight from Cape Town to London Heathrow. The crew assured us that, while this was an accident, it does occur from time to time and that we should not be disturbed. Nine hours later, we landed safely at Heathrow with the masks swinging merrily along as the pilot reversed the engines to slow the aircraft down.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


It happened just after noon (South African time): Lana arrived at the Sutter Maternity Center in California. My youngest son Izak and Julia have now been introduced to the joys of parenthood for a lifetime. Annelie and I celebrate another beautiful and special grandchild.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Color Accounting

Had such a wonderful lunch at Solms-Delta with Peter, Digby and Craig, talking about mechanisms to help people with financial wellness. Afterwards, Craig showed us the farm ending the tour at the wine cellar.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

JP in hospitaal

I visited my good friend, JP, in hospital today. He has been lying on his back since the 21st December, including Christmas and New Year. I can just imagine how hard it must be for him, yet, he often have time to laugh. Inspirational.

Friday, January 01, 2016

New year with family

It was special to spend time with my brother and his family. We had a wonderful dinner on the eve of the new year, while talking about our wishes for 2016. His three kids added sparkle to the evening.