My father in law passed away on the 13
th October 2009 after a long suffering (ten years). His hospital bed is now empty, but he is in a much better place now. I travelled to Bloemfontein with my wife to support the family and help with the arrangements.
It is at times like this, that one cannot help to re-evaluate ones relationship with your loved ones. I have learned so much from my father in law. Through my interaction with him, I was moulded into a better person. He was a
meticulously accurate person with a sharp brain. We could sit for hours and talk about economics and finance, and this
inadvertently influence me in how I arranged my life.
This time also made me think of life (and death). The relationships that I have with my wife and my children and how prepared I am if I have to die. In all of this I once again realised that an Almighty God is in charge. Even though we suffer, He has a good plan for all of us.