Monday, January 29, 2007

Sales Department

Look at the dedication of the Fundamo sales team sitting shoulder to shoulder winning important customers to the award-winning solutions. Aletha (further away), then reg and then Craig. Rosemarie is in South America at the moment.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Lunch

I just love Sunday lunch, especially after I braai'ed some steak and wors. Today Izak was with us and I opened a good Cabernet (2000). We just had a good meal and afterwards, we watched South Africa beat Pakistan in the last cricket match of the series. It is simple things that actually make life worthwhile... why is it that we chase after all kinds of nothings?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday night at JP

We were supposed to play bridge, but we just had an extended dinner and talked till late. We opened a 1999 Jonkheer blend to have with the lamb and home-made bread. We finished the meal with a variety of cheeses and a naturally sweet wine from Avondale.

My lady

Annelie caught on camera watching TV.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Paul at the Office

This is one of my associates at Fundamo offices while we were deep in discussion on some important issues

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Discussing the meaning of life

This is my friend Willem at Origin Roasting ( - one of the best places to drink coffee in Cape Town (... the world). I enjoy getting together with Willem, because our interactions usually leads to such great conclusions. I honestly believe that it is discussions like these that ultimately lead to the world being changed for the better.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Office in Sandton

This is the News Cafe off Fredman Drive in Sandton. When I am in Johannesburg and need to meet some-one, I often use this as a convenient venue. I have meetings here regularly so that it is almost my "office" in Sandton.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bethlehem Lunch

I had lunch at a cool Italian restuarant in Bethlehem with my parents. I did not even know that Bethlehem would have Italian places, but they even produced a Montepulciano at quite an affordable price. This is my dad with a glass. I will be travelling back to Cape Town via Johannesburg tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Four at OR Tambo

After arriving back from Cape Town with my parents, we met Ado (my brother) at the airport for coffee. This was a special get-together, as it has been some time since we were together as a family. We chatted about the way forward for my parents and my dad thanked us for making the effort with them. I will remember this hour for a long time.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

en Route London

We said goodbye to Ernst and Catherine today at Cape Town International. They left via OR Tambo for London. This is hopefullythe last time that we have to say goodbye to them for a year. It is their intention to return at the end of 2007 for good. We really look forward to having them close in Cape Town, but also wish them luck with the next stint. It is our prayers that they will prospur in experience in their careers, but also in compassion for each other.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Signal Hill

Drove up Signal Hill on New Years day. It was blistering hot and busy with every-one out on the streets and the beaches. See Robben Island in the background.